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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Baseball Movies

Since hubby is not a huge baseball fan, I have tried to dial it down.  However, after yesterday's blog, I feel compelled to satisfy my craving for baseball related STUFF.   Today, I decided to review my favorite movies related to baseball, in order of release.

Bad News Bears - 1976 -This movie has to be referenced more than any other still today.  I mean, how many times do you hear this at the field?   "Stop throwing the ball around! Agh! They look just like the Bad News Bears!"  This movie made me laugh a lot as a child and I just thought that Tatum O'Neal's character was nothing less than amazing.


Eight Men Out - 1988 - I was so outraged after I saw this movie and super curious at the same time about what really happened.  I couldn't believe that men were so greedy that they would dare tarnish the name of baseball.  This movie teaches a great lesson about how the consequences of your choices can affect others.

Field of Dreams - 1989 - Who didn't want to hop in the car and head to Iowa at the end? I like this movie because of its connection to my previous favorite. This picture is my favorite scene.  We learn that it is okay to stick by your husband with his crazy ideas.  I would really like to visit this place, but I think it is no longer a tourist attraction.

A League of Their Own - 1992 - This movie is cram full of so many stars, it is hard to keep track.  The different characters and their personalities are developed so well.  I couldn't believe they actually played in skirts.  We learn about sacrifice and sisterhood in this one, and the reminder : "There is no crying in baseball!"

The Sandlot - 1993 - I did not see this one until a few years ago, and I just had to add it to my collection.  Once again, the characters are just lovable along with their view on the world around them.  I wish all little boys could make friends and grow into men like they did.

The Rookie - 2002 - My favorite scene is the blinking speed limit sign.  This story is one of never giving up on your dreams.  You just never know when they might come true. And then they do a movie and Dennis Quaid portrays you.

And in the category of "Haven't seen yet but sure to be on my list":

Moneyball - 2011- Because I like stories about folks who think outside the box and succeed.

42 - 2013 - Because I read a book about Jackie Robinson when I was younger and was quite impressed by him.  If we could all learn to use our talents and overcome obstacles, just think what we could accomplish!

Great.  Now I want a bucket of popcorn, an ice cold drink, and a rainy Saturday afternoon.  Or maybe just some peanuts and Cracker Jacks.

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